Solicitation of Prostitution In West Palm Beach

Solicitation of Prostitution, legally defined in Florida under Statute 796.07(2)(i) as purchasing sexual services from anyone involved in prostitution, has increased in frequency in the state due to an upsurge in escorting agencies, “massage” parlors, and infamous websites such as Backpage, Craigslist and CityVibe. Many people incorrectly assume that money must be exchanged in order for a Solicitation of Prostitution charge to be given, however, in Florida, simply offering someone money to receive a sexual act can be enough to warrant a charge. Not only is this charge famous for being one of the world’s oldest profession, but soliciting a prostitute is also one of the common charges seen in West Palm Beach, Florida.
Being convicted of Solicitation of Prostitution in Palm Beach can be embarrassing and add unnecessary stress to your life, career (and marriage, if applicable). In addition to the punishments listed below, you may be required to visit the Health Department for sexually transmitted disease screening. If any of these tests are positive, the results will be made public to the court, judge, and prosecutor. In addition, if you are convicted of this charge and you were in a motor vehicle when the offense occurred, the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles will immediately revoke your driver’s license.
There is a long list of reasons you do not want to be convicted of this crime in Florida. If you have been charged with Solicitation of Prostitution in Florida, it is crucial that you hire an experienced, dynamic attorney immediately. The stigma associated with this crime will follow you around and haunt you for a lifetime, if convicted. Let the attorneys at The Law Offices of Roger P. Foley vigorously defend you in the courtroom so you can move forward with your life.
Punishment for Solicitation of Prostitution in West Palm Beach, Florida
If you are a first time offender of a prostitution-related crime, it is considered a second-degree misdemeanor, punishable by up to 60 days in jail and the potential for a $500 fine.
If you are a second time offender of a prostitution-related crime in Florida, it is then considered a first-degree misdemeanor, punishable up to 1 year in jail and the potential for a $1,000 fine.
Arrested for Solicitation of Prostitution – Palm Beach County Criminal Attorney
Depending on the circumstances of your case, the attorneys at The Law Offices of Roger P. Foley can devise a number of defenses, such as entrapment, to help you beat the charge. In certain prostitution-related cases, a pre-intervention program can be implemented.
In South Florida, police officers often get a handle on where prostitution is occurring and will use an undercover officer to pose as a prostitute – this is where most solicitation charges stem from. If you get arrested for Solicitation of Prostitution, remember the police aren’t your friend; when you tell a cop something, it will be held against you, so your best bet is to keep say nothing. Do not put your career, family, and life at risk by the implications that come with a Solicitation of Prostitution conviction. Our lawyers can help; call The Law Offices of Roger P. Foley today to discuss your situation and have one of our experienced attorneys instruct you on the best possible legal options for your circumstances.
Call (561) 746-7076 and start planning on the ideal course of action to help you fight a solicitation charge and move on with your life.