What do Attorneys Need? Praying, Paying and not Hovering
Communication and honesty are important in representing clients. Clients want the best representation they can acquire. Clients want an attorney who will fight their battles and do everything legally possible to win.What does an attorney want in return? For my sanity, and longevity as a criminal defense attorney, I must be completely honest with my prospective clients, and not politically correct. I want clients to believe in me, pray for me, pay me, and not hover over my shoulder. Time is what an attorney sells. I am not paid by the hour. My fees are based upon an estimate of what it will take to effectively defend my client. I take a case as a flat fee. My time needs to be spent defending the case, gathering information, doing research, and not answering "what if," "Law & Order had a case where...," and "what kind of Judge is hearing my case?" questions.Civil attorneys will talk to you all day because they are billing for every minute. I want to succeed and acquire the best result not speculate on the case. Hypotheticals and "what if questions" help nobody. IF you are a potential client that desires such rhetoric then the following may be applicable: Some potential clients may wish to seek other counsel.